Musings of an Old Man

Whatever this used to be about, it is now about my dying. I'll keep it up as long as I can and as much as I want to.

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a 69 years old white, male, 6'1", 290 lbs., partially balding in the back. I was married for ten years and fathered two children, a daughter and a son. My current marriage (2nd) will celebrate its 39th anniversary November 4. The date will be in the news because it was the same day as the Iranian hostages were taken at the US Embassy in Tehran. (Obviously, I had a better day than they did.) I'm a Vietnam Veteran ('71-'72). I have worked as a Computer Programmer, Project Manager, Graduate Teaching Associate, Technical Writer, and Web Developer. I own, with my wife, a house and a dog.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Coping With Everything

My coping skills are low these days. I'm prone to anger. Mentally, I tire easily. I'm not handling disappointment or the general insecurity of life very well.

So I go for a regularly scheduled visit to the sleep clinic, and they suggest that I need a new chin strap. According to their theory, my current chin strap is so old that it's not really keeping my mouth closed, which is why I'm getting additional air into my abdomen while I sleep. That also explains, according to them, my interrupted sleep and my mid-afternoon fatigue.

If all of that is true, it probably accounts for my irrascibility, too. Not only am I tired, I'm also tired of being so grouchy. I used to be a nice guy with a generally sunny disposition. I'd really like to find that guy again. Maybe I will, but after over four years of treatment for sleep apnea, I'm not getting my hopes up.


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