Musings of an Old Man

Whatever this used to be about, it is now about my dying. I'll keep it up as long as I can and as much as I want to.

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a 69 years old white, male, 6'1", 290 lbs., partially balding in the back. I was married for ten years and fathered two children, a daughter and a son. My current marriage (2nd) will celebrate its 39th anniversary November 4. The date will be in the news because it was the same day as the Iranian hostages were taken at the US Embassy in Tehran. (Obviously, I had a better day than they did.) I'm a Vietnam Veteran ('71-'72). I have worked as a Computer Programmer, Project Manager, Graduate Teaching Associate, Technical Writer, and Web Developer. I own, with my wife, a house and a dog.

Monday, May 22, 2006

No Rest For The Weary

Being a full-time caregiver is not my vocation. I've been able to take care of my wife's basic needs and the basic needs of the house, but I find it leaves no time for myself. For example, Saturday and Sunday were very nice days here, the first nice days in nearly two weeks of overcast, rain, and wind. But I didn't get out to play golf or even hit golf balls. There was laundry to do and groceries to buy and a lawn to cut. There were also the usual daily chores of dishes and feeding dogs and walking dogs and feeding my wife and I. Then, because she is still essentially housebound, I needed to entertain her, if only to sit with her and watch television.

My wife does her best to give me time and space. She accepts my need for quiet and to rest a bit between tasks. I know it frustrates her that I don't do everything she would do or do it when she would do it or do it the way she would do it. I try to be accommodating, but I guess I'm an inflexible old coot when it comes to some things. And I get frustrated with the constant up-and-down of waiting on her and the dogs. Sometimes, to my personal mortification, I have been snappish with her and complained about all the work I have to do, work that she does routinely I might add.

I'm such a wimp. I can't even take care of the one person who stands by me no matter what I do without complaining about how it affects me and my life. (It truly is all about me. Don't anybody ever tell me I'm unselfish or giving; I have proof to the contrary and witnesses.)


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