I'm Back
I see it has been some time since I posted here. That's no big surprise. It has been some time since I wrote much of anything.
Shortly after the previous post--that is over a year and a half ago--I was diagnosed with mononucleosis. Finally I had an explanation for why I was so tired all the time. Oh my testosterone was low, in fact I'm taking shots for it because it remains low, but it was the mono that was really the culprit in my being tired all the time.
I haven't worked since the end of February and for the past year and a half I've been pretty much a slug. You can't do much for viral diseases but let them run their course. The virus involved here is the Epstein-Barr Virus. Once again I have proven myself in no way exceptional as I haven't found any treatment that has helped.
About a year ago, one of my doctors started trying things. Mono doesn't last as long as mine was lasting, so he (we; I mean I did agree) decided to add a stimulant. We tried one thing and another and another. Nothing seemed to hurt much, but nothing seemed to help. So a month ago, I complained about all the medication I was taking and he agreed to try a drug holiday.
I don't know exactly what has happened, but I'm starting to feel better. Heck, I could not have written a blog entry a year ago, or even two months ago. So I have to feel that I'm making progress. I'm off my anti-depressant as well as all of the good doctor's stimulants. Things are not perfect, but I have more energy and I'm trying to build my stamina back up.
That's enough for now. I'll post again later.
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