Musings of an Old Man

Whatever this used to be about, it is now about my dying. I'll keep it up as long as I can and as much as I want to.

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a 69 years old white, male, 6'1", 290 lbs., partially balding in the back. I was married for ten years and fathered two children, a daughter and a son. My current marriage (2nd) will celebrate its 39th anniversary November 4. The date will be in the news because it was the same day as the Iranian hostages were taken at the US Embassy in Tehran. (Obviously, I had a better day than they did.) I'm a Vietnam Veteran ('71-'72). I have worked as a Computer Programmer, Project Manager, Graduate Teaching Associate, Technical Writer, and Web Developer. I own, with my wife, a house and a dog.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Congress Reforming Itself (Again)

I see where the Republicans and Democrats in Congress are falling all over themselves in the wake of the latest political scandal to reform themselves. Each party is introducing legislation to make more of what they don't want to be caught doing illegal.

And this is going to help how? This latest kabuki dance is another example of Congress wanting to be seen to be doing something when in fact they aren't really doing anything.

I'd like to make a proposal that they apply a simple rule: if it's something you wouldn't want to be caught doing, don't do it. If you get caught doing it, you'll be exposed to ridicule and lose your cushy job in the House or Senate.

Isn't it really pretty simple for these folks to know when what they are doing is not (a) in the best interests of their constituents, (b) in the best interest of the country, and (c) in their own best interests? Yet what they seem to want to do is make as few changes as possible and be able to say, "What I did wasn't against the law."

That's so comforting. If you take money from someone and then later do them a favor, that's way too close to a bribe to suit me. If you have to do mental gyrations with your ethical compass, is the job really worth it? Didn't your mother tell you that just because everyone else is doing it, that doesn't make it right?

Ah, but they are all lawyers, aren't they?


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